Developing a Cloud Transition Strategy to Align with Business Objectives
The Challenge
During recent WA Machinery of Government changes, a number of separate government Departments were amalgamated into a new agency – the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH). As a result, DPLH needed to identify options to consolidate disparate service delivery methods, and quickly achieve specific productivity and organisational objectives.
The Solution
KDR’s Advisory Services team were engaged to assist DPLH identify an amalgamation approach, and to develop an overall transition strategy for migration to the cloud. After completing initial current state assessments across each merging department, KDR identified baseline requirements for all key IT services. From this, it was determined that a seed integration and transition tier should be established in a hybrid GovNext / public cloud environment. The strategy was to simplify and accelerate the overall transition while minimising any impact to ongoing operations.
The Outcome
KDR’s strategy identified a number of quick wins, which enabled DPLH to rapidly reconfigure and consolidate key infrastructure services. Using a collaborative approach, KDR then worked with DPLH to indicatively prioritise transition and retirement of residual legacy environments. This enabled DPLH to identify a practical path forward to quickly commence agency amalgamation without significant undue disruption to existing service delivery. KDR’s approach also ensured agencies maintained control over their own services while transitioning. This helped eliminate many of the political and cultural obstacles to proceeding, and provided for a discrete and clear separation of work effort for key stakeholders.