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2018 News Archive


Additional Project and Development Services for the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

December 2018

KDR’s team at DMIRS has been extended to support additional project and development services across a range of ICT activities. KDR will provide project management services for a number of projects within the Department’s Business Innovation Directorate, and across a number of Building and Energy Division initiatives. KDR will also provide ongoing Business Analysis services for geospatial systems, and Java development services to assist DMIRS deliver the Building Reform 2020 program of work.

TechnologyOne Support for the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage

December 2018

KDR will project further support services to assist DPLH manage the TechnologyOne solution. KDR will provide ongoing assistance and expertise across key product configurations, ongoing product implementation, and TechnologyOne training for administrators and end users.

Department of Transport Project Services

November 2018

KDR’s team at the Department of Transport has been expanded again to include a range of additional ICT project services. KDR will assist Transport develop a number of applications as part of the overall strategic business applications reform program. Key projects to be delivered include Vehicle Management, Online Booking Services, TRELIS reform and transformation and Whole of WA government services provision. KDR will provide senior Java development and system testing expertise.

Integration Project Management at the Department of Communities

November 2018

The Department of Communities is undertaking a significant transformation program following the amalgamation of operations from seven agencies. KDR will provide senior Project Management services to assist the Department integrate existing HRIS, Finance and EDRMS applications, as well as a suite of supporting corporate applications. A key project objective is to ensure that the delivery timelines, and business process and data integration components are harmonised and available to meet overall business timelines.

Department of Transport SharePoint Services

October 2018

KDR’s team at the Department of Transport has been expanded to include SharePoint design, development and deployment expertise. KDR will assist with a range of SharePoint projects as part of Transport’s strategic business systems applications reform program.

Business Analysis Services for the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

October 2018

KDR will provide business analysis services for a range of new geospatial systems at DMIRS. Key activities will include the development of business analysis plans and requirements, along with functional specifications and user interface design.

Additional Network Design Services for BEC Engineering

October 2018

KDR has extended a range of network design services for BEC Engineering. KDR will provide further assistance with a number of network design activities for BEC’s corporate clients in the Oil & Gas sector. The scope of work includes collecting and interpreting network requirements, designing VLANS, allocating device addresses, and designing control system interfaces to corporate networks.

CA PPM Services at St John of God Health Care

October 2018

KDR has been awarded additional CA PPM support services at St John of God Health Care. KDR will undertake a range of activities to assist SJOG support, maintain and enhance the CA PPM solution.

KDR awarded major ICT Services Contract at the Department of Transport

September 2018

KDR is pleased to announce participation in Transport’s $53 million ICT panel contract. KDR joined the Department’s ICT Service Panel in May 2018, has now been awarded the first tranche of Base Services for a range of application and infrastructure-related initiatives. KDR’s Ken Angus notes this is a major milestone in KDR’s evolution as a significant provider of ICT services in the WA market, and provides a strong foundation for ongoing growth in the business.

KDR will provide expertise to support Transport’s digital delivery program of work encompassing TRELIS Reform, Driver’s License Reform, Hazard Perception Tests, implementation of improved adherence to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, and a number of additional digital transformation Services. KDR will work closely with Transport as part of a multi-skilled, multi-vendor team providing an exhaustive set of ICT services to assist the Department meet ongoing legislative, Ministerial, business and customer needs.

CA PPM Services for LandCorp and Silver Chain

August 2018

Following a successful start to LandCorp’s CA PPM upgrade project, KDR will provide ongoing support for LandCorp’s existing CA PPM solution. This will include proactive monitoring, incident resolution and management, and ongoing maintenance of the application and application interfaces.

KDR will also provide additional CA PPM services for the Silver Chain Group, including upgrading existing CA PPM software components to support new business requirements.

Network Design Services for BEC Engineering

August 2018

KDR welcomes BEC Engineering as a new customer in August. KDR’s technology design team will complete a number of network design activities for BEC’s corporate clients in the Oil & Gas sector. The scope of work will include collecting and interpreting network requirements, designing VLANS, allocating device addresses, and designing control system interfaces to corporate networks.

Department of Communities Program Management

August 2018

KDR is pleased to confirm commencement of a significant program management engagement with the Department of Communities. KDR will assist the Department manage a number of concurrent strategic projects within the Department’s Corporate Operations Division. This will include developing and implementing an overall governance framework, and effectively coordinating all projects and project interdependencies.

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Project Management Services

August 2018

KDR will assist DMIRS manage a number of ICT projects for the Department’s Business Innovation Directorate. KDR will work on multiple projects and initiatives from commencement to implementation. This will include development of initial business cases, through to the completion of functional requirements and solution implementation.

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries TechnologyOne support

August 2018

KDR will continue to provide additional services at DLGSC to assist with a number of TechnologyOne support requirements. KDR will provide TechnologyOne expertise across key product configurations and support requirements.

TechnologyOne Support for the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage

July 2018

KDR confirms additional services to assist DPLH support TechnologyOne. KDR will provide ongoing assistance and expertise across key product configurations, ongoing product implementation, and TechnologyOne training for administrators and end users.

Department of Communities ICT RoadMap and Program of Work

July 2018

KDR is pleased to announce further planning work at the Department of Communities. KDR will provide continued services to develop the Department’s ICT Roadmap and Program of Work with a vision for improved ICT service delivery across the new agency.

Database Administration services for the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

July 2018

KDR will provide ongoing DBA services for the Department’s MS SQL and Oracle environments. KDR’s scope will include implementation, migration and administration of MS SQL and Oracle clustering, along with ongoing data backup and recovery procedures.

WA Country Health Service Business Analysis Services

June 2018

KDR welcomes WACHS as a new customer in June. KDR will provide BA services to review a range of WebPAS enhancements, including the development of a project initiation document to identify current status and an activity scope for both business and technology changes.

Perth Children’s Hospital Operational Commissioning services

June 2018

KDR confirms a further extension of services to assist PCH finalise the operational readiness of all PCH clinical and non-clinical services. KDR’s Testing and Business Analysis teams will drive commissioning activities across a range of solutions and applications for key operational stakeholders.

KDR engagements at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage

June 2018

KDR is pleased to announce extensions to a number of engagements at DPLH. KDR will provide further project management services to deliver the LandsWA Integrated Works Management solution (iWMS). KDR will also provide ongoing application testing services for the LandsWA Integrated WorkFlow Management system.

New projects at the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

June 2018

KDR will provide Business Consulting services for a number of the Department’s Building Commission Projects. A key focus of the Department is to reform the building approvals process through implementation of a standard model. KDR will assist DMIRS engage with stakeholders and identify business process changes and technology improvements to more effectively manage the building application and approval process.

KDR will also provide additional J2EE development services to maintain and support the eMiTS title management system, and to develop the eMiTS Java components of the Department’s Tengraph replacement project. This will include migration of components from DB2 to SQL server.

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries TechnologyOne support

June 2018

KDR confirms additional services at DLGSC to assist with a number of TechnologyOne support requirements. KDR will provide TechnologyOne expertise across key product configurations and support requirements.

KDR appointed to new Department of Transport ICT Services Panel

May 2018

KDR is pleased to announce that Transport has appointed KDR to the Department’s new ICT panel contract. Transport has established the panel to provide critical ICT services for several core business applications, web-based e-Business application systems, database systems and infrastructure. KDR looks forward to working closely with Transport on the successful delivery of a range of ICT services.

Java Development Services for the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

May 2018

KDR has commenced additional Java development services for DMIRS. KDR’s team will work on upgrades to a number of java software frameworks, migrate applications to newer versions of java, and build a range of functional enhancements using J2EE, CSS and DHTML.

Business Analysis and Testing Services at the Office of State Revenue

May 2018

OSR is currently enhancing a number of revenue systems across State Taxes, Grants and Subsidies. KDR will provide a range of business analysis and testing services to assist OSR define and review user requirements, and to subsequently manage the testing process as part of the overall change management approach.

CA PPM Upgrade for LandCorp

May 2018

KDR welcomes LandCorp as a new customer in May. Using an efficient, tailored methodology, KDR’s CA PPM team will assist LandCorp upgrade and migrate to a current release of the CA PPM software product. The scope of work will include core PPM functionality, along with configuration and testing of a number of interfaces and third-party connectivity.

Java Development Services for the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

April 2018

KDR continues a successful relationship with DMIRS following the award of additional Java development services across a range of projects. KDR’s team will provide analysis and development expertise in the J2EE WebSphere environment, JSF and DB2.

New KDR engagements at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage

April 2018

KDR is pleased to announce commencement of two new engagements at DPLH. KDR will assist DPLH with a number of TechnologyOne support initiatives. This will include assistance and expertise across key product configurations, ongoing product implementation, and TechnologyOne training for administrators and end users.

KDR will also provide application testing services for LandsWA. KDR will work with the Agile team to assist with application and performance testing, and the creation of test cases and test plans for the Department’s Integrated WorkFlow Management system.

Department of Communities ICT RoadMap

April 2018

The Department of Communities commenced operations on 1 July 2017 following the amalgamation of functions across seven different government agencies. KDR will assist Communities integrate and transform ICT service delivery through the development of an ICT Roadmap. A key objective is to provide Communities with a vision for improved ICT service delivery across the new agency.

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries Project Management Services

April 2018

KDR has been selected by DLGSCI to project manage the Department’s Infrastructure Asset Refresh program of work. KDR will work closely with key business stakeholders to develop and review the project scope and requirements, and to develop and deliver an implementation plan for the asset refresh.

KDR selected by WA Police for ICT Reviews

April 2018

KDR is pleased to confirm commencement of two new projects for the Western Australian Police Force. KDR will conduct independent reviews of WA Police Business Information Services (BIS) operations, and also specialist service operations. The scope of the reviews will include an assessment of areas of strength and areas for improvement across key operational processes, resource alignment, service delivery and achievement of customer services levels.

CA PPM Services at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and Silver Chain

March 2018

KDR is pleased to confirm a further extension of CA Project & Portfolio Management (CA PPM) services at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. KDR will provide ongoing CA PPM maintenance and extended support services, including system enhancements and project work as required. This will include supporting core CA PPM functionality, and also interfacing between CA PPM and the Department’s HR, Finance and Document Management systems.

KDR will also provide additional CA PPM support for the Silver Chain Group. Following a successful CA PPM implementation project, KDR will assist Silver Chain with further CA PPM support and maintenance services.

City of Canning ICT Support Services

March 2018

KDR has confirmed additional IT services to support the City of Canning. KDR will extend an existing relation to provide further ICT Support Services to assist the City manage a range of IT services and solutions.

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage Extends Network Review

March 2018

KDR will provide further assistance to the Department of Planning, Land and Heritage to review and build an updated network architecture and configuration. KDR will undertake a current state assessment, and provide the Department with options for future network design.

Office of State Revenue Application Analysis and Enhancement Services

March 2018

KDR welcomes the Office of State Revenue as a new customer in March. As a key WA State Government agency, OSR is working to enhance a number of revenue systems supporting State taxes, grants and subsidies. KDR will assist OSR design, build and deploy a range of application modifications and enhancements, along with ongoing support and maintenance services. Key activities will include J2EE application development in a WebLogic environment, in addition to Oracle ADF, Oracle Forms and PL/SQL development.

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Java Development Services

March 2018

KDR is pleased to announce commencement of additional Java Development services at the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. KDR will assist the Building and Energy Division build a number of solutions supporting delivery of the Building Reform 2020 program of work. This will include an electronic lodgement of notices for plumbers, a building permit approval system, along with related integration with payment systems and backend Oracle databases.

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Cloud Transition Planning

February 2018

KDR’s Cloud Practice welcomes the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions as a new customer in February 2018. The ODPP is embarking on a digital transformation journey to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of prosecutorial services in WA. KDR’s Cloud Practice will provide strategic Advisory Services to assist ODPP plan and manage the transition of core IT solutions to the cloud. The first phase of this process will include cloud adoption recommendations, along with a business case and transition timelines.

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Java/J2EE development services

February 2018

KDR has been awarded additional application development services at the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. KDR will develop a number of enhancements to the DMIRS Mineral Titles system, with a key focus on improvements to the Mineral Titles Debt Recovery process. KDR will provide Java/J2EE services, Oracle database skills and JSF expertise.

KDR will also extend an ongoing relationship to provide Java Analysis and Development services for the Department’s EnergySafety division. KDR will undertake further work on a number of application systems, including mobile compliance solutions, and enhancements to the existing eNotice application for the electronic provision of electrical and gas fitting work notices.

KDR welcomes the New Year with new business at the Department of Health, Department of Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, and the Water Corporation

January 2018

KDR has made a strong start to 2018 with new Project Governance services at the Department of Health and the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, and additional Program Management services at the Water Corporation. KDR will assist Health drive a major project to replace the current medical imaging solution across nine metropolitan hospitals. KDR’s scope of work will include managing implementation of a new imaging system, in addition to sustaining and remediating the existing solution to ensure continuity of service during transition.

KDR’s new DPLH engagement will include project management of the LandsWA Integrated Works Management solution (iWMS). The iWMS solution will support improved business processes and enhanced integration across business platforms. KDR will assist DPLH manage overall development, testing and deployment of the system.

To conclude a busy January, KDR extended an ongoing successful relationship with the Water Corporation, providing program governance and leadership for the Water Corporation’s Spatial Program Management framework. KDR will assist the Water Corporation further develop and extend the delivery strategy for spatial solutions, and provide Program and Project Management services across a range of spatial projects.

Solution Delivery

Solution Design

Analysis, Design and Architecture for the Department of Training and Workforce Development
KDR is happy to confirm an extension and additional team members working on the ...
Posted 23/09/2024

Solution Delivery

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) at DevelopmentWA
DevelopmentWA is the State Government’s central land and development agency, c...
Posted 09/08/2024

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